Honda ecm..hondata
Nick Starai
true at ItsYourDomain.Com
Mon Nov 26 17:31:33 GMT 2001
I currently have a Hondata ecu installed in my crx. t3/t4 turbo on a 1.8l
dohc typer block. The ecu is....NICE. It is, however, not the easiest
thing to tune. It has FULL adjustability of about everything but you have
to reburn the EPROM everytime you make a change. Plugging in and out chips
is not very fun. They do now make an 'emulator' which allows you to upload
changes without burning the rom, but you still have to turn the car
off. I'll never understand why they never took the time to make true
on-the-fly adjustability as they may have been behind at the time it came
out, but surely would hold the entire honda market now. The zdyne ecu is
about their only competitor...they DO have on the fly
adjustability...flash rom style. nice work. I wouldn't think it would be
very difficult to allow uploads to an EEPROM or replace with a flash rom
while the car is running...anyone think of a hack to make it on the
fly? Thanks
On Sun, 25 Nov 2001 LOW4SHOW at wrote:
> Does anyone out there have direct experience with changing Honda fuel and
> timing curves?
> Thanks
> Brian
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Nick Starai
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1005 W. Wise Road
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true at
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