Propane/water/alcohol injection and O2 sensors

Perry Harrington pedward at
Thu Apr 11 01:18:22 GMT 2002

Nitromethane produces more power because it's a hydrocarbon and oxydizer in
one.  It is CH(3)NO(2).  It has twice the oxygen content of Nitrous oxide N(2)O.

For a good page on various fuels, visit:

Also, the previous figure (95,000) was incorrect according to this page:

I got mixed up, it's 91,500 BTU per gallon (4.32lb/gal), not pound.  Gasoline
is 126,732 BTU per gallon (6.15~lb/gal)

Take a look at this page too:


On Wed, Apr 10, 2002 at 05:23:49PM -0600, Clint Corbin wrote:
> One very important item you left out: Propane runs a much lower 
> stociametric A/F ratio and gasoline.  It really doesn't matter that propane 
> has 80% the thermal energy of gasoline on a lb/lb basis when you are 
> burning 50% more propane.  Look at nitromethane.  It has lower energy than 
> gasoline too, but a given engine will make over 140% MORE power than 
> gasoline because of the extremely low (around 2.4:1 ration) stociametric 
> ratio that pure nitromethane burns at.

Perry Harrington             Linux rules all OSes.               APSoft      ()
perry at apsoft dot com 			                 Think Blue. /\

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