[Diy_efi] DIY-EFI group buy second run

Steven Ciciora ciciora at Ciciora.com
Thu Apr 25 00:53:47 GMT 2002

  Life/work has been hectic, and I've been busy trying to 'catch up'.  
Imagine my suprize when I checked my PayPal account when I found over $900 
in there.  Usually PayPal emails me when $ is deposited, but for some 
reason, not this time.  Anyway, that's orders for more kits than I have 
left, so I've decided to do one more group buy for 230 kits.

  I just placed an order with Digikey for over $3.3k worth of parts (plus 
shipping).  I had it shipped to my work address, so my wife wouldn't find 
out! (Don't tell her, she'll kill me for 'not learning my lesson', then 
she will be able to park her car in the garage).

The price is a bit cheaper 'cause all the resistors that only require one 
of each value, I have left over from the last 550 kits I made, but it's a 
bit more expensive, because all the resistors with more than one of each 
value, I ordered them on 'tape and reel' (5,000 resistors per reel).  This 
is too many, but it makes my job of counting them _MUCH_ simpler.  And I 
won't have to tape those resistors down on paper, I can just write the 
value on the 'tape' part.

I won't know the final price for sure for a few days, so please don't send 
any $ till I figure that out.  Since I have a bit more experience now, 
there will be less 'slop' built into the price.  It will be closer to $14 
plus shipping, then before.

It really helps if people order an even number of kits.

Very important plea for help:  The day-to-day management of supplying 
these kits is eating me alive.  I could really use some help.  Ideally, it 
would be someone who I can foward all email requests to, and they handle 
collecting money, addressing envelopes, and taking them to the post 
office.  I could even send them envelopes all stuffed with kits, ready to 
go.  I could even get the correct postang on them, if it would help.  I 
have time to spend a few long weekends stuffing the kits (I'm getting good 
at it, but that's not a skill I want to advertise!), but a trip or two to 
the post office every week gets to be a bit much for my schedule.  Any 

I will be hard to reach till mid next week, so I'll post an update then.

Oh, and I'm very sorry to the people who paid months ago and I didn't get 
kits out yet.  Of the 20 or so kits I have left, they will go to the ones 
waiting the longest.  I have not cashed any checks that I didn't ship 
parts to, and I have not withdrawn any PayPal money for un-shipped kits.  
Also, it's gonna take a few weeks for me to catch up on my email.

Thanks for your time,

Steven Ciciora

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