[Diy_efi] Traction Control System (update 2)

Bruce nacelp at bright.net
Mon Apr 29 22:08:04 GMT 2002

no headache
just when ever you trigger the ignition cut you reset the counters.
Or every tire revolution.
That's why I suggested the straight count to ten counters, originally.
Did the headache bit, years ago when I had one actually working.

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Kenny" <watson at iamfun.com>
Subject: Re: [Diy_efi] Traction Control System (update 2)

> You'd need to monitor whether or not the couter has 
> changed though right? After a launch, the counter 
> counts up and does its thing, but then it'd need to be 
> reset. For a single launch at a time you might be able 
> to work (ie 1/4 mile) but I can't see how you'd 
> determine when to restet the counter and start watching 
> for it again.
> If it were me, sensor would go on each wheel, fed into 
> a frequency to voltage converter. Use a MCU with 4 A/D 
> converter lines. Each register is read in and 
> subtracted from each other at a continuous scan rate 
> (probably as far as a bank of A/D's can finish a 
> conversion- and HC/11 would be ideal since it can poll 
> 4 lines and interrupt as soon as all 4 are done). If 
> the difference between any 2 registers exceeds the 
> (user definable) max allowable difference, then power 
> can be cut. Coupled with an accelerometer, a subroutine 
> could be run when deceleration is detected to 
> automatically adjust things like brake bias. But that's 
> another topic.
> Just some thoughts. Hopefully I don't cause poor Bruce 
> another headache. ;)
> -Kenny

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