[Diy_efi] Traction Control System (update 2)

Jorgen Karlsson jorgen.m.karlsson at home.se
Tue Apr 30 04:46:12 GMT 2002

Les wrote:
> After conditioning the wheel sensors to a good square wave,
> use counter with two inputs, count up and count down.
> Have the front wheel be triggering count down, and the back
> wheel count up. With no slip, the counter will bounce around
> pretty much even, but as slip starts, the count will be going up.
> No need to measure pulse frequency, just a count, after a reset.

That's a very good idea, but I don't like the reset.

If a MCU is used for this we could add an extra non driven wheel pulse for
every fourth to tenth non driven wheel pulse to set the amount of allowable
wheel spin. Negative pulses that occur when the counter is at zero is

On stick shift cars a minimum rpm for operation can probably make the clutch
switch redundant.


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