[Diy_efi] sequential injection timing

Eric Fahlgren eric.fahlgren at mscsoftware.com
Thu Aug 1 17:03:02 GMT 2002

bill.shurvinton at nokia.com wrote:
> I would contend that most people with EFI also do not take the time to get spot on. Many wouldn't know even what spot on was...

Yeah, I'd agree with that, too.

> Also having seen the pickle you can get into with EFI by thinking you can just 'tweak bins' I wonder if it necessarily is easier for the average Jo..?

Oh, yeah, we know all about that, don't we?  I suppose it's both easier
and harder at the same time.  The easier part I just spewed forth pages
about.  Harder EFI/easier carbs could be due to the fact that when you
change, say, main jets on a carb, you are affecting afr over a large
operating range, so if you get it close somewhere in the range, then
it's probably close elsewhere, very much unlike putting in 198% in
just one VE bin in a table.


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