[Diy_efi] Re: [Efi332] Fw: wide-band O2 sensor comparison

Garfield Willis garwillis at msn.com
Mon Aug 12 16:04:36 GMT 2002

Notice BTW that none of my stuff is making it out to DIY. "Too personal"
for you, Rivethead?

On Fri, 11 Aug 1995 07:59:55 -0400, "Bruce" <nacelp at bright.net> wrote:

>And for some of us, that's all we need.   Just in reading your posts, =
>can see the possible sources for errors, so it all does boil down to =
>someone does consider as close enough.   And that requires a judgement =
>(on their part), of what, one considers good enough.
>Thank you, for your endorsement.

Let me remind you of something else I've also posted about previously,
which won't show up in your tests until you have the results logged in
real-time, and those are the whopping big transient errors we've seen in
testing your horseshoesOmeter. Have someone with decent equipment like
that friend of yours, but on some vehicle that can produce load and afr
swings a good bit faster than a big truck engine, cause a large rich
swing all the way from dfco to WOT, like you punched it after coasting,
and see where you land on the rich side *indicated* relative to some
decent equipment. The errors are a good deal *larger* than even the ones
you've just reported, because of your sloppy b-grade push-pull driver
arrangement on the Ip pump. You don't actually have a real servo there,
and you either under or overshoot the pump current given a good size
transient, which throws off the transient results even worse than the
static errors. If you HOLD the rich or lean transient (IOW, you make it
not a transient but hold the condition long enough), it will settle to
the level of static errors you're getting now, but that gives you an
even falser reading for the first few tenths of a second, and puts the
measurement of any *key* lean transients ALSO in question as to their

Yeah, if all you're looking for is "do I have a blip", instead of "do I
have a blip, and how bad is it?", then once again, it's "good enough"
for you. Geezus. As I've said before, NOONE in the world of EE *or* real
proformance would consider any of this "acceptable".


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