[Diy_efi] default ignition tables

Kent Martin kentmartin at froggy.com.au
Mon Aug 26 03:23:49 GMT 2002

I am building my own EFI system and have got to the stage of getting
the engine running, but need a little help in calculating advance curves.
Does anyone know or know where I can find info an how to make
and advance curve given cylinder capacity, mainfold pressure, and
combustion chamber configuration. It is for a valve per cylinder engine
with a turbo, hoping to achieve 300Hp.
I read a bit years ago which related flame front progation speed and
the distance to the furtherest point from the spark plug in the combustion
chamber to ignition advance. However it was very general and very old.
I would like something a little more advanced (excuse the pun) than this
to work out the timing.
Alternatively, it is a Mitsubishi galant VR4 engine , and the orginal
advance curves
may suffice for a starting point, if someone has a copy of them.

On a side note, I am looking for a wide band oxygen sensor as many others
are, but wondered if anyone in OZ knows where to get one localy.


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