[Diy_efi] Re: if YOU were bored enough to disassemble...

Brent Prindle brentp at motobits.com
Wed Aug 28 14:47:04 GMT 2002

I am working on the same controller for the Guzzis and Laverdas.  Mostly
trying to interpret the code for the Aprilia right now, which is a
completely different controller.  Have it disassembled, need to figure out
what is happening...

If you want some more reference points, I happen to have a few other EPROM
files for Ducati.  Let me know if you want them, some may have different
rev-limits since they are from race programmes.

BrentP at motobits.com
Brent Prindle

----- Original Message -----
From: "Dave Gallant, 12 Point Racing" <dave at 12pointracing.com>
To: <diy_efi at diy-efi.org>
Sent: Tuesday, August 27, 2002 9:30 AM
Subject: Re: [Diy_efi] Re: if YOU were bored enough to disassemble...

> First off - THANKS for poking around in the file! :)
> >>> I have posted a ZIP file with the BIN, (hopefully) the correct
> >>> code, and pics of the ECU for anyone even remotely interested in
> >>> around:
> >>>
> >>> http://www.12pointracing.com/Ducati748Files.zip
> >>
> >> I was curious so I took a look.  It looks like there's a code segment
> >> (0x8000 to about 0xd6e0) and a data segment (0xf000-0xffff).  Only
> >> half of the data segment is used, the bit at the very end is probably a
> >> checksum or version or something like that.
> This was my guess as well, as the Ducati 748 and the Ducati 916 share the
> code, all except for the data segment. (The code segment shows variations
> well, however slight and mostly offset changes). I have overlaid the maps
> the 748 and the 916 (748 revs higher due to shorter stroke - has different
> fuel and timing requirements) to find the offsets of the maps are
> I have been using this method in search of the holy grail - the rev
> - looking for singular variations in the data segment that would raise or
> lower the end value. (I am told the highest possible value is 12k due to
> limitations in the code segment).
> For more entertainment, here is a Ducati 916 BIN file:
> http://www.12pointracing.com/DucatiMaps/Ducati916.bin
> >>There's also some kind of
> >> pattern in the code segment from 0xc0c6 to 0xc2c5, it looks like sort
> >> test block, it's a regular pattern.  Definitely not opcodes.
> This segment seems to differ slightly between the 748 and the 916, of
> I am not sure why. I am really not sure what this section does.
> >> I see three pretty obvious 16x16 tables, altough I'm confused as to why
> >> some of them seem to start on odd byte boundaries.
> Interesting enough, I started graphing these on different offsets and
> that they were indeed starting on odd offsets. I (not knowing enough other
> than to be dangerous) did not think twice about this. F160 and F162 offer
> terribly strange looking graphs, while the offset F161 is a smooth 3D
> I have graphed the three maps and have links below.
> >> I think you said
> >> that this is a n-alpha system so it makes sense that there should be
> >> tables for fuel and spark based on TPS and RPM.
> I am sorry, but I do not know what an n-alpha system is? 68HC11 is the
> processor - is this saying the same thing?
> >>  Table 1 looks a bit
> >> like spark timing and table 2 could be fuel, but I think someone with a
> >> little more experience than me would know for sure.  I'll post the
> >> numbers, and I put links to the colorized images of the data segment
> >> tables below:
> These are good guesses. Here is a bit more background.
> There are at least 3 tables within the BIN file. There are two fuel maps,
> and one spark map. There is a "main" fuel map which is for the lower
> (horizontal) cylinder, and a secondary fuel map which is for the upper
> (vertical) cylinder. Exactly how the maps relate to each other (ie: the
> logic) I have no clue, but I do know the two cylinders can be tuned as
> individuals. The third map should be a spark timing advance map, and I
> expect to see a range of 0-50+D in final form, with a graph forming a
> plateau graphically no matter what the scale.
> In this I should expect to find full advance at around 3-4K RPMs, see it
> hold that until 10K RPM or so, then trail off until 11.4K RPM redline on a
> 748 motor, and the same for a 916 motor except only going until 9K or so.
> Getting a timing light on these motors is difficult at best, but have had
> experience with some of the older solid state ignition modules and found
> they exhibit this behavior exactly. Now the real problem is that the graph
> which I was previously guessing is the main fuel map (number 2) is the
> one which would make sense as a base timing map. I will elaborate more
> below.
> >> http://www.dessent.net/tmp/data-segment.gif
> >> http://www.dessent.net/tmp/table1.gif
> >> http://www.dessent.net/tmp/table2.gif
> >> http://www.dessent.net/tmp/table3.gif
> Great work - I wish I had your tool when I first popped open this BIN
> I have been playing around in it looking at it in HEX. :/
> >> table 1, offset 0xf161: (??? x = RPM, y = TPS, z = spark retard ???)
> >> 140 118  96  81  70  61  54  46  34  27  26  25  25  25  23  23
> >> 146 122  97  82  72  63  56  50  38  28  26  26  25  25  23  23
> >> 153 125 100  83  75  65  57  53  42  30  27  26  25  25  23  23
> >> 157 132 104  86  78  67  59  55  44  34  28  26  25  25  23  23
> >> 151 131 107  89  82  71  63  57  47  36  29  26  25  25  23  23
> >> 149 131 112  96  87  75  66  59  50  38  29  26  25  25  23  23
> >> 129 123 112 100  92  82  69  63  52  40  30  26  25  23  23  23
> >> 128 122 112 103  97  87  75  66  58  44  32  26  25  21  20  20
> >> 127 119 112 108 101  94  81  72  60  50  35  29  25  21  18  18
> >> 126 120 115 110 104  96  83  75  63  49  39  30  25  21  17  17
> >> 125 118 111 109 106  97  87  77  66  54  41  31  25  21  17  17
> >> 113 110 107 105 103  97  88  78  65  52  43  32  25  22  19  19
> >> 115 113 112 106 105 102  98  84  72  59  51  39  29  26  20  20
> >> 116 115 113 108 107 102  99  87  66  60  49  40  33  31  25  25
> >> 117 116 114 113 112 109 103  98  76  65  56  48  42  37  32  32
> >> 118 117 115 114 113 111 105  99  77  70  62  56  51  42  33  33
> This is a pretty distinct fuel curve from my experience with these motors
> (and from what I have gathered from those who "know where the maps are" -
> the series of 19H give it away). There are a few problems with it that
> puzzle me, but more in the display of the 3D graph than with the content
> found within the numbers. The first is that it is backwards. :) In that I
> mean the lowest HEX value is found where I would expect to find the
> and vice versa. There can be an easy mathmatical conversion taking place,
> however, I have tinkered and found that by increasing the low values to
> obscene values, I indeed richen up the lower end of the RPM range (on the
> sniffer). I can not tell you for which cylinder this first map is for
> however as we have crossover pipes in our exhausts, and without putting a
> probe all the way down to the header I have no way of knowing. Possibly
> more time and a decent O2 sensor/sniffer we could determine just what this
> map is.
> I created a few 3D views of this particular map:
> http://www.12pointracing.com/DucatiMaps/F161H_viewA.gif
> http://www.12pointracing.com/DucatiMaps/F161H_viewB.gif
> >> table 2, offset 0xf4a0: (??? x = RPM, y = TPS, z = fuel ???)
> >> 90  90  94 100 104 108 110 112 116 122 120 120 100  72  70  70
> >> 90  88  94 100 106 108 110 112 116 122 120 120 100  72  70  70
> >> 86  90  92  96 106 110 110 112 116 122 120 112  96  72  70  70
> >> 86  90  92  96 104 110 110 112 116 122 116 100  92  72  70  70
> >> 92  92  88  94  96 106 108 112 114 120 112  86  92  72  70  70
> >> 88  90  88  90  96 104 104 110 110 112 108  80  84  72  70  70
> >> 88  88  90  86  92  96  96 106 106 108 100  72  76  72  70  70
> >> 82  82  82  78  78  80  88  96  96 100  88  70  64  72  70  70
> >> 76  80  78  74  76  78  80  90  86  90  80  62  56  66  68  70
> >> 72  70  66  72  72  72  70  76  78  80  64  58  50  52  64  70
> >> 68  70  66  68  68  70  70  72  72  74  60  54  48  50  60  70
> >> 66  68  64  64  64  68  70  64  64  62  50  44  44  44  52  60
> >> 46  60  48  56  54  54  54  54  56  58  44  42  40  38  38  50
> >> 16  40  46  52  52  44  46  46  44  44  38  34  32  28  28  30
> >> 10  24  34  40  40  40  40  40  34  32  28  22  24  16   0   0
> >> 4  16  20  30  30  30  30  30  30  28  20  20  20  18  10  10
> I honestly do not know what this map is. I once thought it was fuel, but
> I am thinking it is possibly the spark map. If you notice that at the
> highest RPM and highest TPS, the timing is actually retarded, which makes
> perfect sense. The graph would support that at WOT (full TPS), but NOT at
> highest RPM is where we are at full advance during acceleration, and this
> maps sense as well. It also exhibits a decent ramp at a low RPM area as to
> allow no advance to get the bike to start, but almost immediately start
> advancing the timing as the TPS and RPMs increase, giving it a good
> end feel". The emissions requirements I am sure are coming into play here,
> as the factory is probably attempting to get a cleaning burn at idle
> The last hint is that at high RPM with no TPS, there is almost no spark
> advance. I would imagine this would help on/off throttle transitions while
> at speed, even though I did not think of this before and was guessing that
> the "choppy on/off throttle" problem I spoke of before was handled
> in the fuel map. If this is indeed the spark map, this is an interesting
> solution.
> Here are some graphs of this one:
> http://www.12pointracing.com/DucatiMaps/F4A0H_viewA.gif
> http://www.12pointracing.com/DucatiMaps/F4A0H_viewB.gif
> >> table 3, offset 0xf8ff
> >> 64  56  48  44  36  34  32  32  32  32  32  32  33  32  32  32
> >> 65  57  47  44  36  34  32  32  32  32  32  32  32  32  32  32
> >> 240 208 160 128  80  48  36  32  32  32  32  32  32  32  32  32
> >> 224 192 145  96  64  48  36  32  32  32  32  32  32  32  32  32
> >> 177 141  96  64  48  40  36  33  33  32  32  32  32  32  32  32
> >> 120  96  64  48  43  37  34  33  33  32  32  32  32  32  32  32
> >> 74  58  48  44  40  36  34  33  33  32  32  32  32  32  32  32
> >> 68  54  48  40  38  34  34  33  33  32  32  32  32  32  32  32
> >> 55  49  43  39  36  34  33  33  33  32  32  32  32  32  32  32
> >> 48  44  42  38  36  33  33  33  33  32  32  32  32  32  32  32
> >> 40  38  36  36  36  33  33  33  33  32  32  32  32  32  32  32
> >> 40  38  35  35  33  33  33  33  32  32  32  32  32  32  32  32
> >> 40  36  34  33  33  33  33  33  32  32  32  32  32  32  32  32
> >> 40  38  36  35  34  33  33  33  33  32  32  32  32  32  32  32
> >> 40  38  36  36  35  33  33  33  32  32  32  32  32  32  32  32
> >> 40  36  34  34  34  33  33  32  32  32  32  32  32  32  32  32
> And with this map, I can't even wager an educated guess. Possibly this is
> correction map of some sort...Overall, I am missing the location of the
> secondary fuel map, however my first guess would be this is a timing
> adjustment map for the coolant temperature sensor. (I am told timing is
> pulled out as the bike's coolant gets hotter and hotter, and it is not
> linear. I would LOVE to kill this calibration factor at some point). Of
> course, this is just a guess, and it quite possibly could be some strange
> correction map for the secondary fuel map. This is where having a CLUE as
> what the code was doing would be worth its weight in gold. :/
> Keep the thoughts coming - it has only taken you guys 1 day to get as far
> I have gotten in 1 month. :)
> d-
> ----------------------
> dave at 12pointracing.com
> MRA #31, AMA #232
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