DIY-WB parts kit
WaynejohnsonOO7 at
WaynejohnsonOO7 at
Tue Jan 29 07:53:22 GMT 2002
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In a message dated 1/28/02 7:05:35 PM Eastern Standard Time,
skulte at writes:
> I'm not quite sure what the story is. I'd wait till he has the backlog
> squared away. I originally sent a paypal in October for 2 or 3 kits (gotta
> check back on that...) for $30-$40 and haven't gotten anything yet. I had
> a dialogue back in early December, with a promise to ship, and now its
> almost February and I still haven't received anything, nor have my recent
> emails even been responded to. Steve - if you see this, please look into
> it. Anyways... That's just my story...
> Andris Skulte, waiting to build a WB...
Me too, I sent my money in Oct. by PayPal. I was able to contact Steve in
Dec. also and he said he would look into it. Lets just all be patient, I'm
sure Steve is very busy.
Awaiting anxiously,
Wayne Johnson
Content-Type: text/html; charset="US-ASCII"
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<HTML><FONT FACE=arial,helvetica><FONT SIZE=2>In a message dated 1/28/02 7:05:35 PM Eastern Standard Time, skulte at writes:<BR>
<BLOCKQUOTE TYPE=CITE style="BORDER-LEFT: #0000ff 2px solid; MARGIN-LEFT: 5px; MARGIN-RIGHT: 0px; PADDING-LEFT: 5px">I'm not quite sure what the story is. I'd wait till he has the backlog<BR>
squared away. I originally sent a paypal in October for 2 or 3 kits (gotta<BR>
check back on that...) for $30-$40 and haven't gotten anything yet. I had<BR>
a dialogue back in early December, with a promise to ship, and now its<BR>
almost February and I still haven't received anything, nor have my recent<BR>
emails even been responded to. Steve - if you see this, please look into<BR>
it. Anyways... That's just my story...<BR>
Andris Skulte, waiting to build a WB...<BR>
Me too, I sent my money in Oct. by PayPal. I was able to contact Steve in Dec. also and he said he would look into it. Lets just all be patient, I'm sure Steve is very busy.<BR>
Awaiting anxiously,<BR>
Wayne Johnson</FONT></HTML>
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