[Diy_efi] P0300 Random/Multiple Cylinder Missfire Detected

Tom Sharpe twsharpe at webmail1.mtco.com
Thu Jun 27 13:14:29 GMT 2002

Look at the wires while running at midnight in a garage with the lights 
off. Make it as dark as possible. You will be able to see the problem. Tom
On Wed, 26 Jun 2002 20:17:27 -0400, "Matthew McCain" <mmccain at usaor.net> 
wrote :

> Hello,
>         I have a 2001 Chevy Blazer that has 30K miles on it.  I can feel 
> missing slightly when going up hills. Only when the TCC is engaged, I know
> you will feel more of a miss then.  When I go up steep hills on the
> interstate the MIL will start to flash indicating a missfire is going on.
> Then sometimes it will stay on constantly.  It is under warenty with GM,
> They can not find a problem with it other than a P0300 code.  They gave 
> ECM a firmware update, and it seemed to help for a while.  I have read on
> the net that for some reason the wires on a blazer need to be changed 
> 30K miles to eliminate the problem.  I have inspected the wires and they
> look good.  I know sometimes you can't tell by looking at them.  It idles
> ok, and accelerates ok.  Any suggestions?  Thoughts?
> Thanks,
> Matt
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