[Diy_efi] Connector for the DIY-WB Project

bcroe at juno.com bcroe at juno.com
Thu May 9 02:44:40 GMT 2002

I only see 5 pins; you will need at least 7 to pick up the 
calibration resistor connects.  Or don't they know about 
that?  And any decent arrangement includes a few extra pins.  

Bruce Roe

On Wed, 8 May 2002 18:58:36 -0700 "AJ Clayton" 
<ajclay at cox.net> writes:
> Anybody looking for the mating Sumitomo "HW" Sealed 
> Connector, for their DIY-WB board project,  I just received 
> two from a Professional Race shop in Ohio. They recently 
> purchased one thousand and have them in stock. 
> Cost was $9.00 each plus shipping.
> Here are a couple of photos of the parts I received:
> http://members.cox.net/ajclay/conn.jpg

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