[Diy_efi] fuel injection for an airplane engine

Erik Meisterman emeister at telus.net
Sun May 26 16:54:09 GMT 2002

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Wow, can't get over the group interest in this topic!  You bet I could use help<G>
There must be a bunch of guys interested in applying DIY-EFI conversions to aircooled motors in aviation, car and bike applications.
The type of vehicle is not as important as sharing the information.
I have a completed Polliwagen homebuilt airplane and have started rebuilding a Corvair with a Rinker redrive. Initial plans were to install a Zenith sidedraft carb, but this step may be skipped to go directly with EFI as I have most of the parts.
I have 2 ECUs from a 1990 Geo Storm.  I understand this ECU or variations were used in other 3, 4, 6 and 8 cylinder applications.  My expertise level is strictly mechanical so be patient with my low level of electronics understanding.
The ECU box is coded  86501 J100699333*    How can the code mask be retrieved?
Big chip on motherboard  -  u7  185  16141356  KQEXB8942C
Other chips:   34492 Delco        16045980 Delco    16045580 Motorola     34993_945D3_466        2 of 519K_8937_9057_16079435 
Duh, now which one of these is the prom?  All chips appear hardwired as in soldered.
The loss of Steve Parkman was tragic, and his business partner suffered a very severe disabling stroke, effectively closing down SWAG Aero.  I don't think anyone else is carrying on the business. There was a tremendous amount of interest in the system since for $100 one got a conversion manual including reprogramming of your GEO ECU for specific applications.     
The SWAG  EFIs were reliable and effective if properly installed.  From what I understand, Steve's crash was caused by a failure of his own design chain driven reduction drive.  The prop sheared off shortly after takeoff, and his VariEze homebuilt crashed in quite rough terrain.
Regards, Erik Meisterman
At 10:02 PM 5/25/2002 -0700, Bobby Riggs wrote:

>This sounds very very simular to what I had in
>mind.  I bout 7 surplus NEW Escort TB's off of
>2.5L motors (supposedly, haven't actually seen
>one). Hmm... Corvair engine, If you want I can
>attempt to disable them (Malf codes), burn ya a
>chip, and send it back for you to try.  I'm sure
>I can find a extra (27C256)Prom laying around. 
>This would help me, as my engine is aircooled
>also.  Do you have the ECM?  If so, what code
>mask does it use?  Tragic that he was killed. It
>makes me wonder if he was still R&Ding his
>injection system wich led to the crash (can we
>say limp home mode at 12K feet)?  I'm not trying
>to make a sick joke, just makes me wonder what
>--- Erik Meisterman <emeister at telus.net> wrote:
>> Contact magazine Issue #47 has an article on
>> converting a
>> Lyc 235 to EFI using the SWAG Aeromotive system
>> - one of
>> the most reasonable priced back in 1998. 
>> Unfortunately,
>> Steve Parkman, the owner of SWAG got killed in
>> an aero
>> accident, and SWAG Aero not longer exists.  The
>> system used
>> a Ford Escort throttle body, a Saturn ignition
>> module and an
>> ECU from a GM Geo.  I have most of these parts
>> to install in a
>> Corvair, but don't know anyone who could
>> reprogram the ECU to
>> eliminate the fault codes.  If you would like a
>> copy of the article,
>> contact me off line and I'll send you a PDF
>> copy.
>> Erik Meisterman
>> mailto:emeister at telus.net 
>> > 
>> ---
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