[Diy_efi] Daewoo Nubira '99

Daniel Petrache danielpetrache at yahoo.com
Tue Oct 15 16:28:16 GMT 2002

Hi,I have a 1999 Daewoo Nubira. It has an GM ALDL
12-pin connector. 

The only pins that are used on the connector are:A -
ground, B - diagnosis, F - +12V and M - which I
suppose is the data line.

I assume that this car uses the 8192 baud ALDL
interface. I would like to get diagnosis and engine
parameters on my laptop. To this end I am thinking of
building an interface for the serial port as shown at

I am asking for your advice since I have no previous
experience with ECM systems. 

1. Which (free) software should I use to get the
engine operating parameters?
2. Since all software that I've seen so far, was not
specifically designed for the Nubira, what are the
chances that I will be able to download diagnosis and
monitoring information?

Any other advice is most welcome.

Thanks in advance,


ps Please cc: your reply to danielpetrache at yahoo.com
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