[Diy_efi] New to list, have a question about speed density
erazmus at iinet.net.au
Fri Oct 25 20:22:04 GMT 2002
Not necessarily - I think he was talking boost pressure
in a control situation where the wastgate opens etc..
Eg. When climbing a hill in 2nd gear at boost of say 7psi,
I can get this at 60% throttle *but* if I open the throttle
more I can still get a bit more AFM reading but no more
boost from the turbo, the wastegate is ostensibly dumping
more but strangely the AFM reads a little more input and yes
I do 'feel' there is very slightly more power but the boost
level as shown on my gauge does not increase noticeably...
Now if it happens that this is at the top end of the AFM sensor
limit then the leanout occurs which the original poster
complained of,
At 01:36 PM 24/10/2002 -0700, you wrote:
>--- Mike <erazmus at iinet.net.au> wrote:
>> This is common for most AFM and MAP cars which have
>> been performance enhanced past the limits of the
>> sensors for that air flow configuration, the
>> computer doesnt get more signal from the sensor due
>> to sensor calibration/range limits - so although
>> more actual air gets in, the ECU doesnt inject more
>> fuel - hence it leans out :(
>Ah, then the original poster misspoke. the pressure
>DOES change, the sensor simply cannot show it. THAT I
>understand. ;)
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