[Diy_efi] diy-wb mailing list

Jürgen Hartwig jhartwig at midsouth.rr.com
Tue Jan 7 18:28:38 GMT 2003

> I have not posted to it, but I have also noticed that no emails come
> Not sure what is going on there.  maybe its being moderated & the emails
> not coming through.

OK, so you too, eh?

Well, I'll ask here and maybe someone can help.

Has anyone built one of the LCD displays for their wbo2 system?  I would be
interested in hearing your comments and advice.  Every now and then I'll get
an email from a person who's interested in the LCD displays.

It appears that squeaky Pete in Australia is selling assembled DIY-WB kits
for roughly $275 a pop.  Oh, well.  That sucks.


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