[Diy_efi] Seen one, want LOTS more !!

Oolan Zimmer o_zimmer at soltec.net
Fri Jan 10 01:28:28 GMT 2003

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At 06:14 PM 1/9/2003 -0700, you wrote:
> >>Long story short, on page 112 (bottom left) is a TURBINE MAP, credited to
> >>Garrett and said to be for a TO-25 turbine.
> >
> >These are more commonly known as compressor maps.  Here are some of the
> >frequently used ones:
> >
> >http://www.turboneticsinc.com/comp_maps/fig1.html
> >
> >Personally, I'm reluctant to use a turbo unless I have its compressor map.
>NO !!! Read WTF I said. I have PLENTY of compressor maps, and know how too
>use them---what I _WANT _ to find is more TURBINE maps !! I'm convinced
>they exist, now that I've seen ONE published !!

My bad, you're right.  The compressor map gives that data for the 
compressor side of a turbocharger, the turbine map gives that data for the 
turbine side of a turbocharger.  I realized it as soon as I hit send, then 
started looking for some turbine maps.  You quite properly flamed me 
because I didn't follow up fast enough! :-)

I found no more identifiable maps, but did find some good info about using 
them here:


It's someone's thesis, so be prepared for lots of detail.

Another OK link:


Here's a program to generate them from gathered data (intended for aircraft 
engines, from the look of it):


To get the garrett turbine maps, I guess someone will have to contact 
Turbonetics and/or Garrett to see if they'll part with the information.

Oolan Zimmer
o_zimmer at soltec.net

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