[Diy_efi] newbie

The McConnell's karlandanne at sympatico.ca
Tue Jan 14 04:51:53 GMT 2003

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hi, ive kinda been lurking on this list for the better part of a year =
now trying to pick up whatever knowledge i can.  I'm trying to learn how =
to work with modern engines alittle better.  so far all ive worked on is =
old chevy's and jeeps.  what id like to know is are there any books that =
i should read if i was trying to understand the ideas behind different =
types of fuel injection and how they interact with the rest of the =
motor?  just trying to expand my knowledge base with the hopes of =
someday being able to take on some more advanced projects.

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<DIV><FONT face=3DArial size=3D2>hi, ive kinda been lurking on this list =
for the=20
better part of a year now trying to pick up whatever knowledge i =
can.&nbsp; I'm=20
trying to learn how to work with modern engines alittle better.&nbsp; so =
far all=20
ive worked on is old chevy's and jeeps.&nbsp; what id like to know is =
are there=20
any books that i should read if i was trying to understand the ideas =
different types of fuel injection and how they interact with the rest of =
motor?&nbsp; just&nbsp;trying to expand&nbsp;my knowledge base with the =
hopes of=20
someday being able to take on some more advanced projects.</FONT></DIV>
<DIV><FONT face=3DArial=20


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