[Diy_efi] timeframe to get equal fuel distribution

Mike erazmus at iinet.net.au
Sun Mar 16 04:15:07 GMT 2003

At 08:06 PM 3/15/03 -0800, you wrote:

>I just read through the entire multimedia presentation
>from Bosch on their 4-stroke GDI system, and direct
>injection is a whole different animal, including every
>part of injector design.  They use an internal
>diffuser disk setup inside the injector to produce
>fuel spray that is much wider in patters, with much
>smaller droplet size, and operating in far higher
>injection pressures.

Hey Adam,

Any chance of a direct URL for that presentation ?

Rgds ~`:o

Mike Massen
Network Power Systems
Mb +61 (0) 438 048961
Perth, Western Australia
Some power/auto stuff here:-  http://www.iinet.net.au/~erazmus
Some auto stuff http://members.iinet.net.au/~erazmus/car_accessories/

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