[Diy_efi] injector advance

Gianmarco Rizzo (BE/EAS) gianmarco.rizzo at ericsson.com
Fri Aug 6 15:01:52 GMT 2004

just ordered the book :-)


-----Original Message-----
From: diy_efi-bounces at diy-efi.org [mailto:diy_efi-bounces at diy-efi.org]On
Behalf Of Adam Wade
Sent: Donnerstag, 5. August 2004 20:37
To: A list for Do-It-Yourself EFI
Subject: Re: [Diy_efi] injector advance

--- Gary <gas- at charter.net> wrote:

> Cam sensor referencing is the method used for
> injector (and ignition) timing on the LTx family of
> GM 350 ci, used in selective models from '92-'97.

I'm not arguing that it is impossible, or useless. 
Since it appears the gentleman is working with a
Ducati engine, and I'm supposing he's not interested
in taking a different kind of sensor and trigger wheel
from another vehicle and adapting them to his

It would be very difficult to get it to work with the
stock sensor and trigger wheel on a Ducati engine.  I
hope that clarifies.

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