[Diy_efi] Magesquirt vs D- jetronic

Bobby Yates Emory liberty1
Thu Apr 21 13:14:01 UTC 2005


Megasquirt 2 is a much newer design than L-Jetronic. If you are able to get 
US version of GM sensors (or find suitable OZ part numbers) - go for it.


On 4/21/05, spati <spati at bigpond.net.au> wrote:
> Hi Folks, 
>  does anyone have knowledge about the Megasquirt Fuel injectionsystem?
>  Iv'e been considering a Megasquirt to replace my L-Jetronic ECU & AFM.
>  I've just read the 'Bosch Fuel Injection & Engine Management' book
> by Charles Probst.
>  On Page 12 of chapter 7, he talks about the D-Jetronic injection system. 
> It was one of the early types. It didn't have an AFM and worked primarily 
> on intake manifold pressure (as well as throttle position and Engine RPM).
> He mentioned that this system is inferior to the later systems and not 
> worth considering. The only thing worse seems to be carburettors. However if 
> you want to tune for performance, he says some people use carbs rather than 
> the D-Jetronic. .
>  Is the Megesquirt based on the same things ??
> Sam
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Toward freedom,

Bobby Yates Emory
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