[Diy_efi] Magesquirt vs D- jetronic

Tomas J. Sokorai Sch. tsokorai
Thu Apr 21 15:33:11 UTC 2005

On Thursday 21 April 2005 08:47, spati wrote:
> Is the Megesquirt based on the same things ??

Yes, and no.
It's load sensing is based on intake vacuum, so it is like D-jetronic, but it 
is light years more advanced.
D-jetronic was a very crude analog injection system. No microcontroller that 
calculated the fueling strategy, just a couple of transistors and discrete 
components (very few transistors, BTW, as at the time D-jetronic was 
designed, transistors were not particularily cheap)
Megasquirt is digital, and calculates mathematically the amount of fuel 
injected based on RPM, intake vacuum, throttle butterflies position, RPM, 
engine temperature, intake air temperature and even corrects the calculation 
taking into account the barometric pressure.
And that's only the open loop strategy, as Megasquirt has also the capability 
to trim the amount of fuel based on the actual combustion results of the 
engine, using feedback from an exhaust oxygen sensor (normal or wideband).

Tomas J. Sokorai Sch.

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