[Diy_efi] Re: diy_efi Digest, Vol 17, Issue 46
Bill Washington
bill.washington at nec.com.au
Mon Feb 28 00:38:52 GMT 2005
The problem is not so much with the idea, or the LED, as with the
Human Eye - consider how a TV or cinema film works - 50 or 60Hz frame
refresh rate of slightly varying still shots gives apparent movement -
the reason - the human eye has a persistence of about 1/50 of a second -
slightly longer actually - so if the LED is switching on and off slower
than that we will see a flicker, if it is faster than that all we will
see is a perceived change in the brightness of the LED, so with this
understanding and these constraints your Idea is useable.
So don't be afraid of being flamed - we all get it, but floating
new/different ideas whether or not they have immediate application has
merit - even if they may not work as proposed, they do serve to make
people think outside the square, and that is always useful.
>Message: 2
>Date: Sat, 26 Feb 2005 11:05:25 -0800
>From: "Karl Walter" <krw at efn.org>
>Subject: Re: [Diy_efi] pulse readings: correction.
>To: "A list for Do-It-Yourself EFI" <diy_efi at diy-efi.org>
>Message-ID: <001d01c51c36$21943560$010aa8c0 at waltechii>
>Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1"
> Hello,
> The LED needs an 800 ohm balast resistor for 5 volt pulses.
> I am sorry for not providing accurate information in my previous post. I just figured it was a nice opportunity to share a "quick trick" I use.
> W.S. Cowell seems to think my post was "misleading" and "nonsense" Does everybody else on the list feel this way too? I usually give the E-mails a quick read, and I have been hesitant to post something that's not a question. I just threw out an idea, brainstorm style, and now I feel that I should not post unless I have a guarenteed, tested, and 100% accurate answer.
> To All, should I be afraid to post replys to this list? Do you want to read my sometimes not fully thought out ideas, or should I just shut up? Threads don't stay around long usually, So if a quick answer that might be wrong isn't OK, I probably won't be able to get a reply off before the origional question is long gone.
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