[Diy_efi] Lead fuel compaible O2 sensor

Adam Wade espresso_doppio
Mon Jul 4 02:18:41 UTC 2005

--- Phillip Kuhn <pmkls1 at yahoo.com> wrote:

> just trying to state that there are other methods
> for calculating A/F ratio

The person to whom you are replying made the point
that you CANNOT tell AFR from EGT alone, as EGT forms
a curve with a peak in the middle and dropoffs on
either side.  In addition, you can alter EGT a great
deal simply by changing ignition timing and making no
changes to mixture at all.  If you eliminate a number
of variable and take multiple readings with different
AFRs, then you MIGHT be able to get a feeling for
where you are.

> sine most motorsports these days still dont use
> electronic fuel injection or at least
> not in the conventional manner.............

Uh, I am having a bit of trouble with this.  First
off, few branches of motorsport do NOT use EFI.  All
four-stroke racing motorcycles do, and I believe some
racing two-strokes do as well; Touring cars, LeMans/GT
cars, F1, IndyCar, Formula 3000, Formula Atlantic... 
About the only ones that DON'T use EFI are vintage
racers and NASCAR.

What is "the conventional manner"?  I don't really
understand that either.  The principles of operation
of all port-injection systems are the same, and those
of TBI injection are mostly identical to those of port
injection.  Race car or street car, it works the same

> Also to set the record straight there is a pretty
> big difference between a WB o2 sensor or as some
> call it a lambada sensor and a conventional o2
> sensor heated or not...

The term "Lambda sensor" is much more often applied to
NBO2 sensors.  In fact, I don't think I've ever heard
anyone refer to a WBO2 as a "Lambda sensor".  And the
heart of a WBO2 sensor is a NBO2 sensor, it just uses
an ion pump to move oxygen around to keep the NBO2
sensor in the "middle" at Lambda=1.

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|     had come up again."                    -Kurt Vonnegut     |
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