[Diy_efi] Link for greenfire spark plugs...

Mike niche
Thu Jun 9 06:43:17 UTC 2005

At 12:40 AM 9/06/05, you wrote:
>--- Mike <niche at iinet.net.au> wrote:
>> Correct me if I'm wrong but wouldn't the charge get
>> there by virtue of the piston rising and pushing it
>> in on each stroke ?
>If there was a hole in the "prechamber" with
>atmospheric pressure behind it, sure.  Since there's
>not, the "prechamber" sees the same pressure as the
>rest of the combustion chamber.  The only entry path
>is through diffusion, as near as I can tell from their
>few pictures.

<cough> Think you are using the term 'diffusion' wrongly :(

ie. The piston pushes the mixture up into the plug due
to pressure difference - therefore there is flow and that will
be the case until the pressure is equalised.

Then if the pressures are equal - then and *only then* is it
correct to call the path "diffusion"... !

Although you may interpret the small flow through the
holes as "diffusion" it isnt technically correct at all to call
it that - the pressure in that region of the plug is not static,
therefore there is flow.

>In fact, I can't quite see how it would function at
>all, assuming their description and patent
>application's diagram are correct.  Simple
>stratified-charge engines (of a similar design to what
>they claim for this plug) operate by injecting fuel
>into the prechamber directly; here; the prechamber has
>limited contact with the "outside world", and only
>what diffuses in through the holes will be inside the
>"prechamber"; by all indications, this would be a
>fairly lean mixture, well diluted with exhaust gases
>from the previous combustion cycle.

Its quite easy to see how you dont understand how it
functions if you are attached to the notion of the only
path being "diffusion" - clearly its not...

I am also interested in independent test results and the
full methodology so look forward to that from the inventor
per my initial enquiry.

The claims do appear to be exaggerated and can only
be investigated properly with a full disclosure of the
methodology and the classic paradigm of repeatability
and especially so where unbiased and wholly disparate
researchers share correct technical definitions ;-)

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Regards from

Mike Massen
Perth, Western Australia
VL Commodore Fuse Rail that wont warp or melt !

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