[Diy_efi] Making a fake O2

Adam Wade espresso_doppio
Sat May 28 14:31:56 UTC 2005

--- Joe Boucher <boucherj at prodigy.net> wrote:

> But, is something goes wrong with you're setup (i.e.
> clogged injector, bad sensor, vacuum leak, etc.) or
> you are adapting efi to another engine, then there
> is no way you will be warned, except for knocking
> pinging, bad gas mileage, that something is wrong.

How would you be "warned" if you had a working
narrow-band O2 for closed-loop operation?  You might
get a "check engine" light if something made the
vehicle extremely lean and no amount of adjustment in
closed-loop mode could bring you back to
stoichiometric.  But you wouldn't see anything at all
in open loop mode unless you were looking at the BLM
tables in real-time while you were driving, assuming
your ECU *has* BLM.

People survived an awfully long time with open-loop
EFI without all their engines self-destructing.  Most
motorcycles still use only open-loop operation, and
they don't blow up from EFI faults.

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