[Diy_efi] Starting and Charging CS Vs. SI

Buck Williams buckwill33
Wed Nov 2 03:46:03 UTC 2005

thankssss ,, ivee been doaing delco conversiaons for weldersss with 
magnesatoes for years to repalce thosee incrediblyy espsensisve motorolaa, 
with built in reauglulator delco 10s1 and 27s1 ,, alsso jeeps for the same 
re3ason,  i also like the chrysellr alternator for the ease of wiring 
integrataioton ,, but i usually usedd a starterrr or headlihtt solenoid to 
isolatee thatt problemantic feedback to the ignition,,, but i am familiar 
with diodesss, also used them lotss to rebuildd  battery chargersssss,,,,,,, 
amaziang how many get thrown awayyyy when those old plate gemanium diodes go 
bad,, ,, build fulll or hasf wave rectifieer,, stick it on a heat sisnk,, 
bang, pow,,, got a battery charger,, on the oldd ones,,, the old serviceeee 
statioan ones,, the germaniiuam was ussuallly what burned out,, one orr tow 
plates was susfficient to shut them down, pull it down,,, throw out that 
ancientt germaniummmm stack, full or half wave and maybee a fan cooler, back 
in businesss, anyway,,,,, thanks, ill ad dthiss to my library, buck, ,, 
dangg thatss SI not s1 hunh??,,,anwasy, thankssss buck,

>From: "David Allen" <davida1 at hiwaay.net>
>Reply-To: diy_efi at diy-efi.org
>To: <diy_efi at diy-efi.org>
>Subject: Re: [Diy_efi] Starting and Charging CS Vs. SI
>Date: Tue, 1 Nov 2005 21:21:00 -0800
> >
> > hi david,,,, thisss is buck,, couldd upleases seand me thae schemaatici 
> > descraivee forthe S1,,, thankssss buck,
> >
> >
>   Sure thing- Here goes... See link below.  Remember the diode is a "check
>valve" for electricity and it is very important that the painted end faces
>towards the alternator.
>   The advantage of this over going with a true "one wire" alternator is 
>delayed turn-on.  One-wire alternators require some high revs to start
>charging. There are situations where the engine may never exceed this
>critical speed in off-highway applications. This circuit will make sure the
>alternator excites up even if the engine is never raised above idle.
>http://home.hiwaay.net/~davida1/temp/delco_si.jpg -High res for printing
>http://home.hiwaay.net/~davida1/temp/delco_si2.jpg -Low res - whole picture
>fits on computer screen.
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