[Diy_efi] Audi idle issue

Adam Wade espresso_doppio
Tue Feb 28 08:59:26 UTC 2006

--- Bill Shaw <b.shaw at comcast.net> wrote:

> Was Audi still using K-jet in 89?  I thought Ferrari
> was the last manufacturer to use that mechanical
> injection stuff!

Last I am sure of for Audi is 1988, but they could
have run it longer.

Mercedes had it on the 190E, 300E, 300SL and 500SL
beyond 1990, and VW had it on their Fox models through
1990, and their 16v GTI beyond 1990.  But you're
right, the very late 80s was basically the end of the
line for one of the most elegant solutions ever
created for fueling gasoline engines.

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