[Diy_efi] GM MAP sensors - differences?

Dustin Lof bubblesjrtwo
Mon Jan 16 03:20:19 UTC 2006

I know Chrysler used a lot of holley parts, they used
a map that looked just like a gm part only the pins
are reversed right to left, and the slots in the
weatherpack wont align like you said yours did, I
would try a late 80s or early 90s caravan, they used
atleast 2 differnt part numbers with differnt
connectors, but only one looked like a gm sensor Im
sorry but I dont know the exact year but if you find a
sharp parts guy I know it can be figured out    
Dustin Lof

--- pparaska at comcast.net wrote:

> I have an old Holley Pro-Jection 4D system I'm
> trying to limp along with
> while I deal with some Megasquirt issues.
> I fried the Holley MAP sensor (markings on it are
> "3352" and "S95097"
> I tried replacing it with a Wells SU105 (which
> crosses over to alot of GM 
> TBI cars/trucks) but for one thing, the connector
> doesn't mesh (the keys
> in the weatherpack recepticle don't align with the
> slots in the Holley
> harness plug.  I tried wiring it in temporarily and
> the car ran INCREDIBLY
> rich, and the HONDO software showed very large MAP
> counts, from
> 115 to 240 or so, instead of the typical 30-115 that
> I saw with the 
> Holley MAP sensor.
> Does anyone know of a good match to the Holley part?
> Thanks,
> Pete
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