[Diy_efi] Tiny injectors and fuel pump?

nathanael portelli silent_thunder888
Wed Jun 14 22:43:05 UTC 2006

Hi Keith,

Thanks for the tip, I never knew that there were specific injectors for cold
enrichment! I'll try looking for those, even though they could still be a bit rare
over here. 

At the same time I will try to contact a Zoomer forum and see if they can source
parts for me. The zoomer parts are very PRETTY for this application also
because the pump has an in-built regulator, so the fuel system is "only" the
pump and the injector . Then the only thing left for me to add would be a bubble
trap [a tiny tank], with a cutoff switch to the ECU so that I avoid getting air into
the HP line, then I wont have to worry about switching from main to reserve lines
before I drop below the lower main level. [after all, building the rest of the system
is already enough without having to worry about regulation]


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