[Diy_efi] Re: [Gmecm] Warm start problem...

Rick McLeod dunvegan
Thu Jul 12 13:33:11 UTC 2007

I've always been a proponent of only making one change at a time, so now tweaking would be a second, and it's broken. Are you sure the injectors match, or do you know they really need tweaks in code to make them behave like OEM? I'd make sure/verify that the problem is the injectors, and not due to something else being 'broken' before trying to tweak. This behaviour sounds more like an errant sensor rather than the injectors, assuming all else is in order, meaning it's running closed loop within the correct adjustment state. If it's not and the computer is having to adjust radically for the new injecors to maintain closed loop, then that warrants tweaking, but start there first (IMHO) and if you get all that correct, then I'd bet a cup of coffee that the start condition begins to behave.

hth, cheers

----- Original Message ----
From: Mike Frels 

snip'd most

BTW I have acquired this summer time problem since I switched to LS1 injectors last year.

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