Take a chill pill
Terry/Carol Kelley
terryk at foothill.net
Fri Apr 2 22:18:25 GMT 1999
Look folks, email doesn't allow for facial expressions. I have been
considered a moron on several occasions. Well maybe it wasn't the email,
<g> but we *all* try to write our messages with that in mind.
Yes, I get tired of people than want a core dump without some background
effort on their part. That was stressed to me a few years back right here,
but a few people did open up to get me started. Now I try to return the
favor. I certainly must have looked like I was "asking for all" and "giving
none" in the beginning.
I just figured that Andy was in the same boat.
Next technical question for the group?
Terry Kelley
-----Original Message-----
From: andy quaas <realsquash at yahoo.com>
To: gmecm at esl.eng.ohio-state.edu <gmecm at esl.eng.ohio-state.edu>
Date: Friday, April 02, 1999 12:36 PM
Subject: Re: Take a chill pill
>First of all, this is a public forum. Conflicts are bound to happen.
>When have i not been 'NiCe' on the list?
>I appreciate everyone who has given out information. This list is a
>great resource.
>--- Mike Pitts <mpitts at netspeak.com> wrote:
>> <<Don't comment on anything i write then. Take your
>> toys and go home. I am not as good as you are.>>
>> I find the post above to be quite distasteful.
>I found it distasteful, too. That was a reply to what bruce told me!
>He told me he just wouldn't reply to my posts. What is a poor soul at
>the mercy of a great diy-efi'r like bruce to do?
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