749 in a 749 - troubles

Frederic Breitwieser frederic at xephic.dynip.com
Mon Aug 30 03:57:36 GMT 1999

> The Syclone chip is a 27128.  Does your 3.1 use a 27256?
> If so, did you move the code?  Terry has done this.
> He splained it too me repaetedly, but it just didn't sink in..  (-8

The 749 I have is from a quad 4, so when I shoved in the Syty code,
after adjusting a few things, I used the 27256-20 eprom (eeprom equiv
actually), and made two copies of the code, because I had no idea where
it would look for it.  So, if it looks low, great.  If it looks high,
great too.


Frederic Breitwieser
Xephic Technology
769 Sylvan Ave #9
Bridgeport CT 06606

Tele: (203) 372-2707
 Fax: (603) 372-1147
Web: http://xephic.dynip.com/

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