Diacom Cable (to GMY2K)

David Cooley n5xmt at bellsouth.net
Wed Dec 1 16:25:51 GMT 1999

At 02:06 AM 12/1/99 -0600, you wrote:

>Eh?  You're kidding, right?  What ECM/PCM knows the year?  I didn't know
>ANY of them were equipped with an RTC.  If so, how would you reset the
>clock in the ECM if say, the battery is disconnected?  How would the ECM
>know your time zone, or compensate for Daylight time and Standard time?
>What if you travel out of state, or live in a state that doesn't change
>back to Standard time?  How would it handle leap years? :)
>Heheh, I think all the panic about Y2K is really funny, there really ARE
>people that think their car won't start come Y2K.  My girlfriend brought
>home from her work a Y2K flyer published by the Red Cross that actually
>said the embedded systems in some cars may not be Y2K compliant!  HAH!

Just to freak her out, disable the ignition 12/31/99

David Cooley N5XMT Internet: N5XMT at bellsouth.net
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