Intro -- Beginning at the beginning

Gregory A. Parmer gparmer at
Wed Feb 10 21:18:38 GMT 1999

Intros, eh?

My automotive interests started back when Dad owned an auto repair shop
and I was elbow high to a June bug. Since he sold the repair shop 
I've done my share of the repairs on the family farm.  Cars, trucks,
tractors, loaders, dozers, planters, sprayers, pickers, you-name-it.....

I did the Computer Eng BS thing at Auburn Univ for a bit of formal
education.  Now I'm a Network Engineer administering a mix of
Sun equipment and PCs for a statewide network.

I have been a subscriber of DIY_EFI for many years. The recent
"Prog 101" was my incentive to finally ditch the carb on my
'71 Camaro in favor of a Cease Fire Injection manifold and the
popular '7747 ECM.  See
for details.  Obviously I prefer the less trodden path.

As for where I'd like to see this list go...we should start with
a collection of what is known. The DIY_EFI site has a pretty
substantial amount of 747 data. Similar info is available for
a number of other ECMs.  I also think a single PROM editing program
would be a *great* asset. Thus far "promedit" is the only tool
I know of that is capable, but the config files (.ECU) have not
been developed for ECMs other than the 747.  If you are writing
an editor--*please* allow the table locations to be read from
a config file.

As for what ECM to start's clear that different people
are gonna use different ECMs regardless of what is suggested.
Again--a collection of what is known is key. Chances are that many
of the same routines are in all controllers.  Table locations
will be the primary point of concern for many of us.

My hat is off to those w/ enough talent/knowledge/time/patience to
do the disassemblies. And many THANKS for sharing what you've


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