'98 Vortec 350 - Good swap into a Jeep?

Ken Kelly kenkelly at lucent.com
Wed Jul 7 17:28:57 GMT 1999

I'm confused by all the comments on changing the intake,
etc. Using a Non-OBD-II computer does not require
changinging the intake manifold and Fuel system. Any of the
TPI or later electronics could be used with the existing
Intake. Some swaps are more difficult than others, For
example: I put a 95 computer on my 96 LT1. It plugs right
into the wiring harness, and only the Knock sensor has to be
changed for compatability. What was the 95 computer used in
chevy trucks? Is it compatable with the wiring harness?
Using a 730 or 747 would be a lot more work because of all
the custom wiring required, although you may be able to use
the harness and most of the sensors off the old TPI system
if the locations are similar.

	Or if you are running stock keep the whole Vortec system.
Remember this means Cats, after cat O2 sensors, etc. It does
get tricky. There are some people out there making O2
simulators for the AfterCat O2 sensors, but by the time you
get done modifying the 99 PCM to get rid of OBD-II for your
Jeep you may be one of the List experts on the Vortec!!


"Simpson, James H" wrote:
> Thanks very much.  This is the help I am looking for!
> Jim
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Shannen Durphey [mailto:shannen at grolen.com]
> Sent: Wednesday, July 07, 1999 10:35 AM
> To: gmecm at efi332.eng.ohio-state.edu
> Subject: Re: '98 Vortec 350 - Good swap into a Jeep?
> Simpson, James H wrote:
> >
> > Squash,
> > I guess I'm asking for HELP and recomendations.  I've done engine swaps
> > before, I just have NO experience with a VorTec System.
> Automobiles and light trucks made after 1995 have new requirements for
> the emissions/computer system.  OBDII systems are responsible for
> monitoring misfire, catalytic converter efficiency, and gas tank and
> line integrity.  The OBDII PCMs seem to be more likely to fail a
> component than older units.  They are more sensitive to changes in the
> drivetrain configuration than OBDI computer systems, and with many
> vehicles there is little in the way of aftermarket performance support
> available.  For simplicity, you may want to consider using the new
> engine with an older computer and maybe the fuel system.
> The intake surface of cylinder heads have a different bolt pattern
> than traditional intakes, so you are limited in manifold options.  I'm
> running Vortec heads on a car with no efi content, so there are
> possibilities that don't include the plastic Chevy manifold.  There
> are TBI systems that could be adapted, and there are manifolds that
> can be adapted for PFI.  Accell may make a PFI manifold specifically
> for the Vortec heads.
> There are a few tidbits about Ward's swap in the archives, but they're
> only teasers at this point.
> Go to the archives:
> http://efi332.eng.ohio-state.edu/diy_efi/asearch.html
> Type this in the subject line:  ECM wiring harness help
> This should give you some ideas.
> Shannen

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