auto commenter

TK terryk at
Mon Jul 19 02:27:49 GMT 1999

Could you do it in zip format?

Terry Kelley
-----Original Message-----
From: jsg at <jsg at>
To: gmecm at <gmecm at>
Date: Sunday, July 18, 1999 5:51 PM
Subject: auto commenter

>I've uploaded the C++ source code
>that performs the commenting procedure I've referred to earlier. It
>transfers comments from a commented source code based on correlation
>lengths of operation order (I was going to add the operand addressing
>mode into the comparison, but it does not seem necessary in my
>application... It would be easy to add). I've first used Donald's
>disassembler to disassemble anht (90 auto) and then ran my code to
>transfer the comments from the ECMGUY's disassembly (whose comments
>are very good and seem correct but often has the wrong label info in
>the operand... must have something to do with how he disassembles
>these... corrected code included in tar file). I then used this to
>comment axxc (92 manual). The codes differ by only about 30
>instructions (additions in the IAC code in three locations). Maybe the
>the latter code has improved IAC, at first glance it does not seem to
>be related to manual/auto transmission.
>The above code may be distributed under the terms of the GNU General
>Public License.
>john gwynne

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