Vette 165 vs F-body
Dave Zug
dzug at
Fri Nov 12 15:13:32 GMT 1999
> From: Mike Rolica <mrolica at>
> To: "'gmecm at'" <gmecm at>
> Subject: RE: Vette 165 vs F-body
> Date: Fri, 12 Nov 1999 13:40:59 -0500
> Reply-to: gmecm at
> Ummm ok???? The reason I ask is cause I'm running a 355 alum headed TPI.
> Figured the vette tables would be closer than camaro (since camaro used cast
> heads) Figured that a vette bin would be the place to start editing instead
> of camaro chip if there was no problems running the a vette config. (prog
> table locations are a bit different) Also there is already a Dissasembly of
> the bua on the Ecmguy's page, making it much easier. The fans on 89 camaro
> are controlled by the ECM. Well all I can do is try.
> Mike Rolica
> EXT. 260
> :-)
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Daniel Ciobota [SMTP:dciobota at]
> Sent: Friday, November 12, 1999 1:22 PM
> To: gmecm at
> Subject: Re: Vette 165 vs F-body
> Mike Rolica wrote:
> > Is there any reason that anyone could think of as to why I could
> not use a
> > vette Bin in my 165ecm rather than the stock 89 camaro one?
> I believe the tables are different... especially if yours is a 305,
> the fuel
> tables at least are different. The 89 vette also had the computer
> controlled
> electric fan, not sure if the camaro did.
> > I see no real
> > differences in the wiring harness. Also seen something in the
> archives
> > about using a 02 sensor. Said something to thew effect that
> single wire is
> > good for iron man. But a three wire is better for tubular
> headers??? Can I
> > use a three wire? How?
> I know there are people here who have rigged up a three wire sensor,
> but you
> may not need to, especially if you buy the "shorty" headers
> (essentially, just
> tubular manifolds). I have a set of hedman long tubes on my vette
> and have had
> absolutely no problems with the single wire o2 so far (it's welded
> on the
> driver side collector). Of course, outside temps have not dipped
> below 30deg
> so far, so ymmv.
> Daniel
Dave Z.
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