Holley Projection 4Di - replica?? Recipe??

Frederic Breitwieser frederic at xephic.dynip.com
Mon Oct 25 22:34:24 GMT 1999

> Sorry for butting in..........Saw your post in response to another lister's

Butt in, its an EFI discussion list, and we're discussing EFI (under
boost), so no sweat.

> message, and wanted to ask a question  (I must admit that I've been meaning

Its a good book, and using jeff hartman's EFI book in conjunction makes
the two of them a fantastic resource.

> Why "not" pressurize the inlet of a TBI?  Other than leakage and pressure
> equalization issues, does he list any other serious obstacles or

No, he doesn't list other obsticles per se, just comments that
turbocharging a carbeurator is complex, hard to tune, etc.  TBI while
very carb like, its not a carb.  TBI does not require gravity :)

I've done turbocharging with carbs before (dual predator carbs
actually), and it was a bitch to get everything sealed up, but it worked
fine in the end.


Frederic Breitwieser
Xephic Technology
769 Sylvan Ave #9
Bridgeport CT 06606

Tele: (203) 372-2707
 Fax: (603) 372-1147
Web: http://xephic.dynip.com/

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