Bruce Plecan nacelp at
Tue Nov 7 20:16:26 GMT 2000

Oops, I meant to delete this off list

> >One note in passing, any of this attitude of the list owing any one
> >ain't flyin here at CSH, HQ.   Don't even write me with an IOU something
> >attitude.
> Geez, Bruce, you're beginning to sound like Snow White in menopause. I'm
> sorry you're pissed at having to take up the responsibility for a DIY
> UEGO, but *you* volunteered for it by making the announcement you did at
> the POW WOW. You took the baton, I didn't "dump" it on you. I'm glad you
> did, and appreciate the relief, but it was *your* choice, bud.
> If anyone cares to look back at the archives, you will see that this
> list contributed nuthing to the design nor anything else regarding EGOR.
> Frank Parker offered his help in taking some sensor measurements early
> on with his own NTK box, but that was it. That work was largely done in
> private, just as TerryK was describing in his case. Zip zilch nada from
> this group. It was to be a gift from me to the group, but with just the
> one non-commercial proviso.
> What exactly did you thing would happen when you announced you had a DIY
> UEGO working? Don't be such a bitchy little child about this, and learn
> to live with the ramifications of your actions. Did you expect things to
> just carry on, ignoring the effect your announcement would have on
> demand for the low-end? Get real, dood.
> As the sole originator and worker on both the EGOR project and the name,
> I have every right to (1) take it commercial when your buddies brazenly
> said "screw you and your non-commercial proviso, we'll make and sell as
> many of them as we please once you release the design", and (2) I have
> every right to abandon the low-end when Bruce & Co have taken up the
> charge to supplant it. Tis my right and you know it; live with it. Piss
> on the gift-giver and he has every right to withdraw it.
> I started the project, I did all the work, I came up with the name. For
> you to claim list ownership of it makes YOU the pirate, not me. Next
> thing you'll be claiming is you also own ION. Bwahahah. Go ahead, make
> my day, lil caesar.
> And I'll try to remember in the future that anything whispered in your
> august presence becomes your property.
> Gar Willis
> EGOR Technology, Inc.
> Palo Alto, CA
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