Dash-board C++ library

Bruce Bowling bowling at cebaf.gov
Mon Dec 1 22:24:28 GMT 1997

> Hello,
> I have built an ignition management unit based on the 68HC11.  I have 
> also written a program which runs on the PC or notebook from which I
> can upload the tables and log the speed of the engine through the 
> serial port.
> Now I am thinking of porting everything to run on windows to make it a 
> bit
> nicer.  I program in Borland C++ OWL.  Has anyone encounterd some 
> library which has some dash-board objects like a Tachometer and a 
> seven segment digital readout.  I also would like some help in writing 
> a terminal program which communicates to the serial port.
> Thanks verymuch in advance.
> Michael Farrugia.

I have used Chris Karcher's RS232 driver code sucessfully (and it is designed
for Borland Compilers). 
Very easy to use, and seems to be reliable (it can handle high comm port speeds).
You should be able to find it on the WWW or I can post the code here.

I tried to learn Borland's OWL package, but I cannot find any documentation at
all (none came with the compiler) - where did you get info on the objects, etc?

- Bruce

                 Bruce A. Bowling
                 Staff Scientist
   Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility
    12000 Jefferson Ave - Newport News, VA 23606
                 (804) 249-7240
bowling at cebaf.gov  http://devserve.cebaf.gov/~bowling

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