
Orin Eman orin at
Tue Dec 2 08:24:52 GMT 1997

I put it on the ftp site since it Majordomo bounced it.
Please don't post binaries to the list... ftp them
to instead.


>From diy_efi-owner at  Tue Dec  2 00:52:57 1997
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To: diy_efi at
From: peter paul fenske <pfenske at>
Subject: Re: Wiring Pinout
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Date: Mon, 1 Dec 1997 21:48:07 -0800
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Enjoy have fun all dat


At 05:52 PM 12/1/97 -0500, you wrote:
>Hey gang,
>	I took the plunge.  No I didn't get married (well actually
>I did but that was in August) - this weekend I pulled out a TPI
>system off of an '85 IROC.  I got everything I could get:
>manifold, injectors, throttle body, MAF, etc.
>wiring harness - complete; I only had to cut one blue wire going UNDER 
>		right side of engine (not sure what it was) and the
>		wires that go from a couple of connectors near the
>		computer to up under the dash.  The rest of the harness
>		is complete
>ESC Module, Distributor, Fuel Pump relay, Oil Pressure sender, MAF Burn
>		off relay (I think)
>Computer and Bosch MAF module (apparently the '85's had an extra MAF 	
>I couldn't get the O2 sensor or the knock sensor because I didn't have
>the right sockets with me.  If I went back the guy wouldn't charge me
>any more but I think I might just be better off getting these sensors
>new anyways.
>What I was wondering from you guys (and gals) is does anybody have the
>wiring pinout from the computer as well as the wiring diagram for the
>harness.  I imagine that the wires that are going up under the dash
>are for the VSS, check engine light, ALDL connector but I'm not sure
>what else.  I also know that there were a couple of connectors on the
>AIR injection valves which I don't plan on using but I'd like to make
>sure.  If anybody has this info and can send it to me I would appreciate
>it very much.  THANKS!!!
>-Chris Bruno
>bruno at
>'84 S-10 Blazer w/350 soon to be TPI
>'95 SHO - Yamaha Powered with very interesting intake (2 sets of

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