Fuel pump questions

Mark Eidson Mark_Eidson at ccm.ch.intel.com
Mon Dec 8 21:52:00 GMT 1997

Text item: 

Why does the return line have to be above the fuel when full?  me

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Subject: Re: Fuel pump questions
Author:  diy_efi-owner at esl.eng.ohio-state.edu at SMTPGATE
Date:    12/8/97 4:12 PM

Fuel Pump: ref McKenzie

If your're running a mild or some degree there of, engine, a 3/8" 
pressure line, and a 5/16" return line should work, fine.
  In order to save a bunch of work I'd rerig things remembering the
return may have some pressure in it, and rerig the pressure since it will 
have alot more.  Mock the engine together, wiring etc.., and run a 
pressure guage in the return line.  If you have more than a couple PSI, 
then replace the return with one size larger, if 1/4" then 5/16" and the 
like, assuming you have not somehow run the return line below the fuel 
level in the tank.  Be sure the line is above the fuel when full!.
IMHO, Bruce

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