[Diy_efi] RE: [Diy-efi] Traction Control System - In progress (Update 1)

Brian Sidebotham BRIAN at lightprocessor.co.uk
Mon Apr 22 08:41:54 GMT 2002

> Rodney Fulk wrote:
> > 
> > > Personnaly, I will not be including the main ECU in the Traction
> > > Control system. I am unsure wich signals you'd modify to 'fool' the
> > > ECU into reducing engine power. I will simply defeat injectors
> > > directly. I may use the output of the crank sensor or something to
> > > define the timing required to defeat each injector.
> > Ouch! Your better off turning off the ignition system...
> > Running in a lean condition can blow your engine pretty seriously.
> Doesn't cutting injections stand a good chance of making the mixture so 
> learn it won't even ignite and thus not be that big problem?
> does the car have cat ? AFAIK cutting ignition and putting large amounts 
> of unburnt fuel into a red hot cat is a very bad idea, 

The car has no CAT, and I was banking on there being virtually no 
fuel in the cylinder to (a) burn, or (b) chuck into the exhaust. 
Therefore I assumed everything would be safe. It would sound a bit 
poppy, but nothing else.

Does anyone think there will be enough vapour left around to ignite, 
meaning a really lean mixture? I was going to leave the spark, but 
cut the fuel by not firing the injector. I could maybe cut the spark 
too, but it makes the system pretty complex then.

> > 
> > Why not just tie into the VSS and send a speed to the PCM/ECM that is higher
> > then the speed limitor will allow.
> > This should do the same thing the way it was intended by the factory. And
> > should be pretty simple...
> > 
> > VSS data is well known and easy to obtain. It should also be easy to emulate
> > with the number of the emulators out there to allow
> > hot rods to use drivetrains that were never intended for them.

Good idea. I'll have a look, but I don't think the ECU is speed 
resitricted. I'll check to see if I can find any data on it. The system 
is a Bosch motronic 2.5

Thanks, Brian Sidebotham.

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