[Diy_efi] Re: Re: oopic2 based controller
Dan Zorde
dzorde at erggroup.com
Tue Aug 20 03:34:13 GMT 2002
For those interested, a friend of mine got a Perfect Power ECU (very
simple unit) but still does both fuel and ignition. The entire setup is
based on a PIC16C73 with an external EEPROM attached, running at 20MHz.
Dan dzorde at erggroup.com
<From: "The Punisher" <punisher454 at hotmail.com>
<I do a little bit with Pic's and AVR's but havent messed with oopics. I
<assume its running an interpeter ? If so I'd move on to something else.
<The first picmicro setup I started with was an "Fbasic tickit" which
ran on
<interpeted basic. This thing ran at 20Mhz but was probably only 1/10th
<fast as just a pic16f84 at 10Mhz running compiled picbasic from "M E
<And it was a fraction of the cost too! I have no doubt that a 16f877 at
<20mhz wouldnt have any trouble doing what you want to.
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