[Diy_efi] Re: oopic2 based controller

Marcell Gal cell at x-dsl.hu
Fri Aug 23 17:58:50 GMT 2002

Hi William, hi guys, 

> If you have a spec in terms of resolution and features and preferred dev
> environment then that will often point to a solution easily.

I am looking for a board_and_components or assembled circuit
to drive a 4 cyl TBI engine (1 injector). I already have a DELCO
factory mounted closed O2-loop, knock sensor EFI system on a GM motor, but 
I'd like
to strengthen the motor on the intake side (it is severely limited
at some points) and have better
control and display of the engine operating conditions.
(I do not have a standard
GM TEC computer nor do I plan to pay ~ $8000 for it). 

I'd keep the driving (power) electronics that are already onboard, but
I still have to find the interface pinout of the
DELCO factory computer (compatible to GM Multec CFI),
including how it sends the signals to the spark power electronics
(maybe there is separate signals for the 4 sparks or there
might be one timing signal and one signal for the first
cylinder to syncronize ). 

I'd like 1 degree (or better) spark resolution at 6000 rpm
and handle RPM down to 400. I'd like to keep my O2 sensor
and have closed loop control if possible.
(knock sensor would be nice, but I can live without)
I'd like to read (and perhaps modify) data via RS232. 

I prefer programming in C but assembly might be OK.
(I do not really mind if its ATMEL or Motorola)
I prefer being able to reprogram the device
(via RS232, In System Programming interface or change EPROM ).
I would like to compensate injection timing in software
for slightly different intake manifold armlengths(I'll code that). 

I read that many people here sell such boards for
cheap, but I could not find a list of
units, specs, prices. 

Are there some pending group buys? 


thanx for your great contribution, this diy-efi is really nice

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