[Diy_efi] Knock Detection using GM ESC Module
Bobby Riggs
bobbyriggs at yahoo.com
Sat Jun 1 21:42:59 GMT 2002
That is a little clearer! Hmm... strange how it
is neither black or white, kinda both. I always
tune for the typical 'tan' color if I actually
even spend time tunning (yes I know its free HP,
I just like to spend more time driving if I
I don't want to tell you to 'forget it, its
fine' but I really don't know what the problem
could be. It could be as simple as old/bad
wires, or a bad cap (are you running DIS? or a
dizzy?). I've actually gotten away with cleaning
off the carbon tracks inside my cap when I didn't
have the $$ for a new one. I wouldn't worry
about attacking the ECU for now (it seems 'close
enough') since it isn't obviously lean. Try
checking for vaccume leaks, are your intakes
tight? All hoses where they are supposed to go,
etc. I'm at a loss, sorry!
--- "marko.cosic" <marko.cosic at ntlworld.com>
> > Can you step the resolution up some?.
> Bruce/Bobby - as requested:
> However, as you can see, they've changed
> somewhat in the meantime - cam out
> as left, very gnetle brush (black was very
> loose) and as on the right.
> Inbetween I started and ran for perhaps 2 mins
> in total with no backbox on
> as it had missed, "popped" in the exjhaust and
> blown the baffls to puieces
> and clogged. This included running with a
> resistor in place of the coolant
> temp sender to force closed loop and normal
> mixture on the cold engine, and
> pulling the vacuum line to the ECU and sucked
> on it to try check for a
> problem (eninge revs stabalised again as vacuum
> went up, MAP sensor didn't
> seem to 'leak'.
> Suggestions?
> (Bobby - standard shopping trolley engine not a
> racer, and running UK 95 RON
> unleaded, probably equivalent to whatever you
> run an S-type Jag or 'Sterling
> 827 or Acura Legend on over the pond) No AFR
> meter or exhaust gas analyser
> I'm afraid - just trying to troubeshoot an
> intermittent miss woithout
> success. :(
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