[Diy_efi] WB O2 system

Barry Tisdale btisdale at cybersol.com
Fri Jun 14 18:19:51 GMT 2002

Just thought I'd offer a data point on this thread; I'm currently re-tuning=
my Syclone after having re-timed the cam - from +4=B0 to 0=B0  - *does* make=
quite a difference in VEs & BPWs to get a similar AFR.

AFR meter =3D FJO WB.

Made runs @ constant 100 kPa (2nd gear, TC locked, 1500-5400 rpms), tuning=
the F30 "VE vs RPM" table to get an AFR of 12.5:1 (arbitrary - yeah, I=20
know, but gots to start somewhere...) as 'flat' as possible.  Got it to +/-=
0.1 AFR - good enough for me.

Turned the water/alky injector on - 1:1 of water/methanol, 24% by volume=20
relative to fuel.  ShurFlo pump @ 225psi feeding 2 x 0.6mm Aquamist jets,=20
valved in time w/ injectors.  AFRs dropped (richer) by right around 0.3=20
across the board.

Just offering some 'real world' input, FWIW - YMMV, etc all to hell...



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