[Diy_efi] (no subject)

rr RRauscher at nni.com
Tue May 28 01:57:32 GMT 2002


Why are you arguing with yourself again?


Garfield Willis wrote:

> On Mon, 27 May 2002 18:02:29 -0700, "Deep Stroke"
> <deepstroke928 at hotmail.com> wrote:
> >>Bruce is soooo polite and constructive, I shouldn't have responded
> >>to him in kind; well I wasn't PC in my response. Is that what you're
> >>whining about, Deep Throat?
> >
> >It goes for *anyone* who steps over the line.  This is forum is supposed to
> >be eduational, and fun. Not some dumping ground for over-compensation of
> >personal inadequacies.
> I dare say it's been both fun and educational to many. Have you noticed,
> it's HOLIDAY matie? Enjoy yerself, I sure am. Bwahahahaha.
> >There is nothing left to discuss at this point. No more b/w wasted even on
> >this.  Just clean it up.
> Then why don't you buzz off. What 'xactly wuz it you "discussed" in the
> first place. You just whined psychobabblically. Geezus, you contributed
> NOTHING entertaining or informative to the thread except to practice
> swearing and provoke me to further prognostications on your incipient
> manhood. Speakin O'witch, Are you by any chance a teenager with
> "personal inadequacies"? You're the one that started directly hurling
> swear-words and curses like arshole (oh, yeah, you were soooo PC as to
> spell it a$$hole, weren't you? :) and oh my gawd, the big P-word in all
> caps, PRICK. You called lil ole me a 'p$ick'? You dastardly rogue you! I
> believe all the purient bandwidth was outta your terribly potty potty
> mouth, now wasn't it? Hmm? So go wash out your orifice with a suitable
> surfactant and return when you can hurl with the adults in suitable
> polysyllabic fashion. Or as W.C. Fields woulda said, "Go away boy, ya
> bother me".
> At least I was as discreet as ole Bruce in making only veiled references
> to things, like Snow White in Drag for instance. I thot that was
> particularly tasteful, especially for the PC '90s. Oh, 'scuse me, it's
> now the neo-PC '00s idnit? Man that time travel does take it's toll.
> Hey, Deep Throat. Happy Memorial Day. Pay your respects to our War Dead
> (I am; me brother's buried in Golden Gate), hoist a few, and pulleezze
> geez don't waste those $$ on PC. Eh?
> BTW, I think you miss-spelled PRICK, but I'm not sure because I can't
> find it in my dictionary. It's only one syllable, ya see.
> Gar

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