[Diy_efi] 4.0 jeep ECU info?

Tomas Sokorai Sch. tsokorai at xperts.cl
Wed Oct 30 22:38:37 GMT 2002

=46rom what I know, the ECU is a Mopar one. The sensors mean nothing, The 9=
Cherokee 4.0 has most of the same GM sensors and MPI injection, but the ECU=
is a Bendix-renault (renix).
There's some good info at http://www.jeep.auto.ru/Cherokee/injection *but* =
page is in russian, so use http://babelfish.altavista.com/ to translate it


On Monday 28 October 2002 15:48, Joe Doty wrote:
> Hi all, n00b to the list.
> I was wondering if anyone knew anything regarding a '94 Jeep Cherokee
> 4.0L ECU.  All the sensors it uses are GM Delco.  It is speed-density
> using a GM MAP sensor and air temp sensor, and is multi-port injected.
> I figured since all of the sensors are delco, the ECU would be delco and

Tomas J. Sokorai Sch.
Socio director, Gerente Proyectos Especiales
Xperts Ltda. F: 63 244591, Valdivia, Chile

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